Integrating Home Automation For Energy Management

Integrating Home Automation For Energy Management – Martin Weiss loves his job. He and his team split their time between the lab and cozy couches to develop software that allows owners of photovoltaic arrays to use as much of the solar energy they generate as possible within their own four walls.

Project leader Martin Weiss (left) in a meeting with colleagues Marius Schmitz and Tobias Grupa. There are seven people in the team.

Integrating Home Automation For Energy Management

When Martin Weiss graduated with a degree in cybernetics, he knew he wasn’t satisfied with any old job—he wanted a career that would make a difference. For Weiss, there was no question about what kind of work it should be – he wanted to help preserve the resources of our planet. As a project manager, the 38-year-old father of three has made many strides towards this goal. He and his colleagues … Read the rest