Embracing Hygge In Your Living Space

Embracing Hygge In Your Living Space – Well, it’s still winter! And we’re still standing, right? Today I thought I’d share how I keep my spirits up in the cold and dark of a Canadian winter by using the concept of “hygge” in my living room. Not sure what it is or how to get it? Read it!

Nice is a Danish word that’s hard to translate into English, but it’s basically a deep feeling of well-being and well-being. Picture propped up next to your fireplace surrounded by neutral elements and natural textured materials as you read a book and sip tea by candlelight. It’s hygge!

Embracing Hygge In Your Living Space

I’ve been trying to embrace this Danish concept during these cold Alberta winter months by cooking more comfort food, enjoying the company of family and friends, doing lots of crafts, and decorating with my favorite goodies. Let me … Read the rest