Utilizing Smart Thermostats For Energy Savings
Utilizing Smart Thermostats For Energy Savings – There are many different types of smart systems that get tiled when designing Smart Home Systems today. Some smart systems include smart lighting, smart entertainment systems like smart TVs and smart thermostats. The most widespread and academically researched smart home system today is the smart thermostat. Research from Nest Labs shows that users of their smart thermostats use an average of 15% less energy to heat their homes and approximately 11% to cool them. sers of smart thermostats save about $140 annually.
The Schools of Compter Science and Architectre at the University of Virginia did a study on energy consumption with smart thermostats. Their stdy was titled The Smart Thermostat: sing Occpancy Sensors to Save Energy in Homes. The purpose of their study was to propose a valid solution to the problem of transmitting energy with conventional heating and cooling systems. Their solution … Read the rest