Integrating Home Automation For Energy Management

Integrating Home Automation For Energy Management – Martin Weiss loves his job. He and his team split their time between the lab and cozy couches to develop software that allows owners of photovoltaic arrays to use as much of the solar energy they generate as possible within their own four walls.

Project leader Martin Weiss (left) in a meeting with colleagues Marius Schmitz and Tobias Grupa. There are seven people in the team.

Integrating Home Automation For Energy Management

When Martin Weiss graduated with a degree in cybernetics, he knew he wasn’t satisfied with any old job—he wanted a career that would make a difference. For Weiss, there was no question about what kind of work it should be – he wanted to help preserve the resources of our planet. As a project manager, the 38-year-old father of three has made many strides towards this goal. He and his colleagues developed Energy Manager. This software solves the problem faced by many private owners of photovoltaic arrays: as soon as the sun rises, the solar panels start producing much more solar energy than necessary. A common solution is to feed excess solar power into the public grid. Energy Manager keeps excess power in the family and locally by automatically directing excess power to other energy consumers in the building that have the ability to receive or store this renewable energy.

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Smart home energy management system Smart home energy management system: this is how a smart energy manager distributes solar energy in the home.

“Our goal is to enable private households to use more of the solar energy they generate. That’s why we developed the software.”

The energy manager is integrated into the palm-sized Smart Home Controller. It connects to a photovoltaic system to intelligently and automatically distribute solar energy throughout the smart home. Home appliances have priority. Once they have all the power they need, the energy goes to the heat pump, and the rest is sent to the battery for storage.

Efficiency and intelligence: Martin Weiss examines how efficiently an energy manager can work in a customer’s basement. The software is integrated into the Smart Home Controller system and ensures optimal distribution of solar energy throughout the building.

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The Energy Manager application informs users about how energy is distributed in the building, as well as the overall system status.

“With Energy Manager, smart home owners can cover up to 50 percent of their annual energy needs using locally generated electricity,” says Weiss. And if the house has a separate battery storage unit, this figure can reach up to 70 percent. Energy Manager aims to become a central power hub for smart homes. Martin Weiss and his team are currently developing a way to use solar energy to charge electric vehicles in their home garage.

Martin Weiss has been working at Smart Energy Manager for a long time. His desire for meaningful work first took him to Schwieberdingen, Germany, where he joined a 26-year-old PhD student to conduct energy research. Nine years later, he moved to startup Power Tec to work on photovoltaic array storage solutions. It was during this time that he and his colleagues created the first version of the energy management system. He took the project with him when he moved to Thermotechnology in Wernau near Stuttgart, where his team has been training the Energy Manager since 2016.

Creative freedom and the ability to develop a resource-efficient product is what Martin Weiss likes most about his job.

Energy Management In Home Assistant

“I have a lot of creative freedom. As a project manager, I decide with my team how we develop products and how we bring our ideas to life.”

Martin Weiss (right) with colleague Stefan Klüpfel. Whether they’re lounging on the foosball table or working on Energy Manager, teamwork is key.

In a nod to the high-tech hub of California’s Silicon Valley, many partners refer to their workplace as Silicon Vernau. In a work environment with comfortable couches and a foosball table, Weiss found his creative ecosystem. “I can go from my office chair to the sofa and clear my mind for new inspiration,” she says. This startup spirit isn’t just about unconventional workplace design. Most importantly, it is reflected in the team’s modern working methods. Each of the six members has a lot of responsibility. “My main job is to remove obstacles from the project team,” says Weiss. He also appreciates the creativity in his work as a project manager: “I can influence key decisions and define with the team where we want to go for further product development.”

It’s not just a job, it’s a profession that makes a difference. Martin Weiss found what he was looking for. Not surprisingly, he had the opportunity to test the energy manager in his own home and installed a prototype of the home energy management system that the company uses for testing purposes in the family’s utility room. There, he happily reports, smart technology has proven its value and saves resources every day.

Pdf] Home Energy Management System Concepts, Configurations, And Technologies For The Smart Grid

My job is the best in the world. Many people will benefit from my software – and so will the environment.

Martin Weiss has found work colleagues who share his passion: “Every member of the team wants to promote solar energy and help society become independent from fossil fuels.” At each stage of his career, he was able to advance the development of real innovation. Martin Weiss enjoys spending his free time with his family, motorcycles, and improving his home automation system.TL; DR: We’re adding energy management and it’s great. Two products have been created for reading electricity meters: SlimmeLezer for P1 ports and Home Assistant Glow for activity LEDs. Most of the existing energy integrations have been updated to be compatible.

The world is in a climate crisis. Global warming is a reality and the weather is unpredictable. Our way of life must change on all levels. I worry that the climate crisis is something the world will try to solve sooner rather than later, and after doing irreparable damage.

That’s why with Home Assistant, we want to do our part to tackle the climate crisis and help you do the same. Part of tackling the climate crisis is making sure our homes are energy efficient and use low carbon energy sources.

What Are Energy Management Information Systems?

Starting today, Home Assistant adds official support for home energy management. Our energy management helps users control energy use, transition to sustainable energy and save money.

Bill Gates recently spoke with Marques Brownlee (MKBHD) about how smart homes are needed to create smart cities. How it all starts with home energy management. The interview is 3 minutes long and worth watching:

Home Assistant won’t have all the answers when it comes to energy management, at least not right away. But we have two main things that make us the perfect platform to choose for energy management:

The first is that we are completely transparent. This means that with Home Assistant, anyone can use the source or its accumulated data and build anything with it. We’re already seeing it happen: the European Federation of Civil Energy Cooperatives is using Home Assistant to create energy management software for communities. We are part of a rich ecosystem connected to Home Assistant in a variety of ways.

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Second, we have a passionate and global community that wants to make their homes the best they can be. A community that revolves around building and sharing their own hardware and software to achieve their goals. Through experimentation and iteration, we can improve energy management to meet our needs over time – there are no investors to satisfy.

When it comes to your home, Home Assistant is the best platform to manage it and figure out what works and what doesn’t.

Today’s release of Home Assistant Core 2021.8 includes a new power dashboard (demo). The goal is to make it easier for users to gain insight into their energy usage. The dashboard is designed to give you a quick look at what you’re doing today, and there’s also an option to see what happened by the hour. It also includes metrics to help determine grid dependency and whether turning on power storage can help your situation.

(below) The energy usage graph shows how much energy you use from the grid per hour, how much energy you generate, and how much of that energy is fed back into the grid.

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Users can see at a glance what energy sources are used in their home. This insight includes the carbon intensity of electricity consumed from the grid, available thanks to electricityMap.

If users have solar panels, they can install Forecast.Solar

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