Good Plants For Office With No Natural Light

Good Plants For Office With No Natural Light – Our Services Industries Interior Design Urban Landscaping Corporate Event Floral Design Weddings & Events Houseplant Landscaping Holiday Windows Green Roofs Green Walls

Like many people in Philadelphia, you may be someone who spends the vast majority of your time in the office. For many, they are grateful for the opportunity to work in an office environment. COVID-19 has shown us all what our true preferences are, whether it’s working from home, in the office or a hybrid approach. But not everyone who works in an office has the luxury of a corner suite. In an urban environment like Philadelphia, working touches of greenery in your workspace are key to satisfaction. How can you incorporate nature into your space to make it more comfortable? What plants do best with little or no sunlight?

Good Plants For Office With No Natural Light

The ZZ plant has glossy, bright green leaves and thick stems, and usually does not bring pests with it. If you have a windowless office space, keep it in whatever indirect lighting you can get. Make sure the soil dries out completely between waterings. You will find that during the winter, when your ZZ plant has less sunlight, watering will also be less frequent. Watering for the ZZ plant usually takes place every 2-3 weeks. Some things to watch out for: If your ZZ plant starts to wilt or shrivel, you’re not watering it enough. If it starts to turn yellow, you are watering it too much.

Traveling Soon? Make Sure To Keep Your Plants Alive While On Vacation

Snake Plant is extremely hardy and relaxed. Snake plants prefer bright, indirect sunlight, typically bright for an office environment. Be careful not to overwater to avoid root rot. Each plant varies with different circumstances, but you probably won’t need to water your snake plant more often than every 2 weeks. Snake plants are useful, strong and sharp. We love the look the snake plant brings to a modern, corporate space.

Air plants are a simple and great addition to any room without windows. They are usually quite small, easily stored on the table, and feed almost entirely from air. The only maintenance you have to keep in mind is to run it in a little water once a week. This can take about an hour, depending on the size and preferences of your air plant.

Very low maintenance and very usable, we believe Aloe Vera is a must have for every home or office. As for care, just keep it in indirect light and water it every few weeks or when the soil is dry. Don’t forget to use the clips to soothe burns or cuts, or just as a moisturizer. If you have a successful Aloe Vera plant, it certainly won’t be your last. One plant will produce many “pups” that can be transplanted and given their own chance to grow.

Since 1991, Hoffman Design Group continues to bring nature and creativity to office spaces in Philadelphia, Suburban Pennsylvania, South Jersey, Delaware and beyond. We offer plant designs in many forms including standard planters, green walls, green roofs, moss walls and more. With our high industry standards and expertise in horticulture, we guarantee the life of your plants. Contact us today for a free consultation. Nothing brightens up a space more than a cute little plant on a table. But what happens when the space you need to light is literally in the dark?

Best Plants For A Windowless Office

We all learned in sixth grade biology that plants love sunlight to grow. While this is true for most specimens, there are some that can actually not only survive but thrive in shadier areas. And with all the mental health benefits that plants have been proven to bring to the office environment, it’s worth investing a few dollars in a desktop companion that can sustain you for the long haul.

Want to know more about which small table plants don’t need sunlight? Read on for our favorite varieties, plus tips and tricks to help your plant thrive.

If you’re here for a short list of plants and nothing else, we’ve got you covered. Here’s a list of our favorite small table plants that don’t need sunlight:

We love these plants because they are pretty much impossible to kill. Even under fluorescent lighting, these varieties will still have green leaves and in some cases even grow more over time. They are also beautiful enough to be in the living room, making them an interesting and fun choice for an office desk.

Best Indoor Trees And Tropical Plants To Grow In Your Living Room

If you are not near a window while in the office, try using one of the following options:

Absolutely! Any of the varieties here should do well without a lot of natural light. However, if you’d rather take the guesswork out of your tabletop gardening, Gardenuity has you covered. Our desktop gardens offer the perfect green color without any guesswork.

Although native to the desert, succulents can actually survive with little or no sunlight, making them excellent options for office desk plants.

Yes, you have a lot of options. Try ferns, succulents, peperomia, snake and spider plants, lucky bamboo, aloe, English ivy or lucky bamboo. 

Plants For Office

Each variety will require its own specific care steps, but as a general rule of thumb, you should try to water your plant once a week or when the soil is dry, whichever comes first.

If you’re looking for style, we think succulents and lucky bamboo are great options for office desks. If you’re looking for something bigger, try pothos, English ivy or fern.

ZZ plants, snake plants, sword ferns and monsters give off a tropical vibe without the need for natural light.

Try growing a pothos, happy bamboo or peace lily at your table. All of them should not only progress, but also grow bigger over time.

Houseplants Singapore: The Best Plants For Your Home Or Office

Ready for your own office plant? Shop Gardenuity’s selection of ready-to-grow tabletop gardens to take the guesswork out of gardening. It’s great to let the sun shine every now and then, but some (or all!) parts of our home may not get the chance. welcome to the sun’s rays. We can mostly compensate for the lack of natural light with lamps and other lights, but many houseplants need direct sunlight to survive. A simple solution is to furnish your sun-deprived rooms with plants that do not need the sun.

Low-light houseplants are great for places in a room that need some green touches, but may not get enough direct sunlight for most plants to survive. All of the plants below can thrive in indirect light, and most of them can thrive in artificial light.

Check out our list of 18 plants that don’t need sun and choose the best greenery for your home. Then shop for and have your favorite indoor plants shipped today. You can even get 20% off your order right now when you sign up via email (top of this page on desktop and bottom of this page on mobile)! Our selection includes many of the plants you’ll find on our list below, including:

Bromeliads are tropical plants that usually come with vibrant color. Their unique appearance and tropical feel make them the ultimate houseplant choice. Bromeliads look best on shelves, on tables or even on the floor, depending on the species.

How To Keep Your Plants Alive While On Vacation

Most bromeliad species prefer bright indirect sunlight as opposed to direct light. Indirect light means that the sun does not hit the plant directly. An example of direct light would be if your plant was outside in direct sunlight or if you placed the plant next to an open window with direct sunlight. Prolonged exposure to full sun can damage bromeliad leaves. It is best to keep it close to, but not directly in front of, the window. Bromeliads can also thrive in fluorescent lighting if natural light is not available.

Chinese evergreen plants are easy to grow and are among the many indoor plants that do not need sunlight. Many people say it’s a great plant to start with if you’re new to houseplant care. Older Chinese evergreens produce flowers that look similar to calla lilies and look best on the floor next to furniture and fill open spaces in the home. Younger Chinese evergreens are compact enough to decorate tables, desks and shelves. These plants also made NASA’s list of air-filtering houseplants, so Chinese evergreens are easy to care for and a healthy choice for your home!

The specific sun needs of the Chinese evergreen depend on the color of the leaves. In general, if you have a plant with darker leaves, your specific plant prefers low light. Varieties with lighter colored leaves such as pink or orange prefer medium light. Like many other plants on this list, Chinese evergreens should not be placed in direct sunlight to avoid scorched leaves.

Cast iron plant is also commonly called iron plant because of its durable nature. It can survive a wide range of conditions making it a top choice for black thumbs and busy plant owners. Its rich green leaves are perfect for highlighting any corner of the room that needs it

The Best Indoor Plants For Small Spaces