Finding Comfort In Every Detail

Finding Comfort In Every Detail – Today in the store I was overwhelmed by frenzied shoppers racing their shopping carts down the aisle while screaming children begged for anything within reach. I found an empty hallway to escape into and took deep, cleansing breaths to find a moment of serenity. It only took a moment before a cart came around the corner. It was an older woman of petite stature, dressed in a Christmas vest with a turtleneck underneath sprinkled with candy canes. There was a can of pumpkin pie mix in her cart. I noticed that she seemed a little naïve as she leaned against her car for support. Her small, weathered hands had no ring on one finger as she grabbed the cart pole and pushed past me. Our eyes met for a moment and I smiled and said, “Merry Christmas.” She replied, “I wish that were true. It will be my first Christmas without my husband.”

In life, leaving memories of joy, pain or loss in our hearts. Christmas brings many new things for many of us, such as babies’ first Christmas. A newly married couple hangs their first ornaments on the tree. The first Christmas in a new home. There is also a first time that the heart longs to be comforted. The widow mourns her first Christmas without her husband. The parents have an empty nest as all the children spend Christmas with their new families. A young man in a new city, far from home for the first time. A recently divorced mother or father spends their first Christmas without their children. A family gathered around the table, missing their deceased loved one.

Finding Comfort In Every Detail

Grief can make those around us uncomfortable because the cliched phrases of comfort are simply not enough to provide relief. Friends sometimes don’t know what to do with our pain. Family members struggle to soothe the wounds of loss.

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But grief, as painful as it is, is a necessary part of our healing. Running from grief means running from the very thing that can ease the pain of our loss. Our grief has meaning when we come to God and use Bible verses and prayers for healing. Grief is the process God uses to bring us to a place of wholeness. Grief is a wound that needs time to find its individually unique space of acceptance, comfort and serenity. It is different for each person, and yet it is fully known to your humble, compassionate, and caring Heavenly Father.

Even when you feel alone, God is always with you. In the moments when you might think he’s not around, he’s still watching over you. God will never abandon us in times of sorrow. Instead, He will always give us love and hope.

Although this Christmas season may be difficult, God embraces you through His Son Jesus Christ. No matter our condition, culture, religion, age, gender, or differences, God gave us ALL his greatest gift in our Savior Jesus. We have done nothing at all to earn or deserve His gift. This is the amazing truth of Christmas. Regardless of who we are, God sent His Son so that “whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16). In heaven we will feel no pain, no sorrow, and there will be no death. Our sadness will disappear and all we will feel is God’s infinite love (Revelation 21:4).

We discuss the hard, painful, real things that make up life, and we share the wonderful, encouraging, and inspiring things that make us better women after God’s own heart.

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She is Significant Podcast, SIS Podcast, is an original work by Jennifer Kirklin. Copyrighted June 1, 2021 Dear human being, every day brings new blessings. Today will be no exception for you. A comforting prayer that reminds you of God’s unceasing remembrance and blessings. Experience the embrace of heaven and find hope in its care.

May God bless you richly as you read these words and ponder the truth they contain. Today I want to remind you of a beautiful assurance and powerful truth found in Psalm 115:12a: “The LORD remembers us and will bless us.”

Every day brings new blessings. Today will be no exception for you, in Jesus name. The blessings of today will not pass you by. The blessings of today will find you and continually multiply in abundance. They will not be unattainable for you.

Vistas of Hope is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, please consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

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Today and always, may God strengthen your heart with the assurance that He is thinking of you. In the vastness of the universe, the Creator of all things knows you intimately. He knows the intricacies of your life, the joys and the struggles. May God help you to understand that you will never be forgotten or abandoned, for the Lord of all creation is always thinking of you.

Subscribe to Vistas of Hope to continue reading this post and receive free access to the entire post archive for 7 days. When we are in distress and life is full of problems, we can find comfort in remembering who God is and praising and thanking Him while at the same time crying out to Him.

We often divide our prayers into requests and praises. I am sure you have been asked if you would like to share a prayer request or praise. Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with that – it’s all good. But what makes me think is that the Bible encourages us to mix our requests and our praises in the same breath, so to speak.

Many of the psalms are full of petitions in which the psalmist expresses the depth of his despair. But it is noticeable that the author always includes words of praise. See, for example, Psalm 22:24-25, Psalm 86:6-8.

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We also have the pattern of the Lord’s Prayer that Jesus gave us in Matthew 6:9-13. It begins with praise to God –

Then, in his many letters to the churches, the Apostle Paul includes not only requests but also thanksgiving in his prayers, as in Colossians:

And one of my favorite examples, which I find amazing given the circumstances, is that Paul and Silas sang praises to God after they were beaten and put in prison – I’m sure they also prayed (Acts 16:19-25) . If Paul praised God in this situation, then I should be able to praise God in this situation

Do not worry about anything, but in every situation, bring your concerns to God through prayer, petition and gratitude.

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All of these biblical examples make me wonder how well I can bring my concerns to God while showing my gratitude.

We are constantly worried, be it about finances and employment, about children, about our own or others’ health problems or even about crises that come out of nowhere.

Just this morning I woke up worried about my daughter and the problems she is having with her apartment. And with the ongoing pandemic limiting our ability to see those we love, whether they live near us or in another country, I’m wondering when I’ll next see my sons who live in the UK become.

So how can we praise and thank God and find the comfort we need in the midst of our problems? Here are some truths to ponder and some practical suggestions to use in your prayers:

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Think of the crowds of ordinary people—seemingly entire families with their children in tow—who followed Jesus through Galilee. Jesus noticed that they remained faithful to him even when they were hungry and tired. He didn’t send them away without feeding them. In his compassion, he sat with them and multiplied what little food they had, so that all were completely satisfied (Matthew 15:29-37).

Likewise, God notices your commitment to Him. He takes care of it when you don’t have enough to meet your needs. When you ask God for help, thank Him for His compassion. Tell your Heavenly Father that you trust in the miracle of His provision.

Think of the parents who brought their children to Jesus on their own initiative and certainly without any encouragement from Jesus’ disciples. Perhaps one parent stepped forward and others followed until a long line stretched across the Galilean hill. Jesus warmly welcomed these parents and their children.

Imagine standing in line with your child, even an adult child, and when it is your turn, thanking him before Jesus for his willingness to bless your child.

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Many people came to Jesus – people with illnesses, in severe pain and unable to walk, speak or hear. From the paralyzed man’s friends to the bleeding woman to the woman with a demon-possessed daughter, Jesus praised them for their faith.

Praise God for taking care of the illnesses and disabilities we suffer from. We may not see physical healings today in the same way that we did during Jesus’ time on earth, but more importantly, Jesus always does