Maximizing Energy Savings With Timed Power Strips
Maximizing Energy Savings With Timed Power Strips – They may seem like harmless appliances sitting quietly on a counter or against a wall, but TVs, computers, printers, coffee makers, and even electric toothbrushes can actively waste money while doing nothing. Some common home appliances continue to consume electricity when plugged in, even when not in use or turned on.
The energy used by these devices while not in use is sometimes called standby power, but it also goes by other names such as phantom load, shadow load, idle current, or vampire power. This constant power use increases your monthly electric bill.
Maximizing Energy Savings With Timed Power Strips
But there is a simple solution. Simply unplug the device when not in use. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, unplugging these devices could save the average household up to $100 per year.