Integrating Home Automation For Energy Management

Integrating Home Automation For Energy Management – Martin Weiss loves his job. He and his team split their time between the lab and cozy couches to develop software that allows owners of photovoltaic arrays to use as much of the solar energy they generate as possible within their own four walls.

Project leader Martin Weiss (left) in a meeting with colleagues Marius Schmitz and Tobias Grupa. There are seven people in the team.

Integrating Home Automation For Energy Management

When Martin Weiss graduated with a degree in cybernetics, he knew he wasn’t satisfied with any old job—he wanted a career that would make a difference. For Weiss, there was no question about what kind of work it should be – he wanted to help preserve the resources of our planet. As a project manager, the 38-year-old father of three has made many strides towards this goal. He and his colleagues … Read the rest

Installing Low-flow Fixtures For Water Conservation

Installing Low-flow Fixtures For Water Conservation – Expert advice from Bob Vila, the most trusted name in home improvement, home renovation, home improvement, and DIY. Tried, True, Trusted Home Advice

5 Things to Know About Low-Flow Faucets and Fixtures Get low-flow faucets so you can find the best water-saving technology for your bathroom.

Installing Low-flow Fixtures For Water Conservation

If you’ve checked the faucets and fixture aisles of your home improvement center recently, you’ve probably seen many shower, toilet, and sink faucets labeled as low-flow, with added claims of reduced water consumption. The term “low flow” refers to fixtures that use a smaller amount of water to complete daily activities, such as showering, washing hands, or flushing the toilet. In some cases, low-flow fixtures can reduce water use by up to 60 percent compared to standard fixtures.

How To Choose A Low Flow Shower Head

That’s why many states, including … Read the rest

Best Colors For Small Bathroom With No Natural Light

Best Colors For Small Bathroom With No Natural Light – Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links, which means I may earn a commission if you choose to make a purchase through one of my links, at no cost to you.

If you have a windowless bathroom, you might be looking for a few tricks to keep it clean and fresh. After years of looking at my drab guest bathroom, a new color created an opportunity to do just that!

Best Colors For Small Bathroom With No Natural Light

Almost every room in my house has at least some source of natural light. But two rooms — two small, windowless bathrooms — proved particularly difficult to redesign. My guest bathroom, for example, is perfectly functional; but because of the way it’s closed, I just don’t like being there. And if I ever have a guest again, they probably won’t either. … Read the rest

Utilizing Energy-efficient Cooking Appliances

Utilizing Energy-efficient Cooking Appliances – When the day of St. Southern California Edison offers tips to reduce your carbon…

Strong southern California wind patterns may trigger Red Flag and High Wind Watch warnings. When wind is forecast, planning and preparation are essential. Follow these tips to make sure you…

Utilizing Energy-efficient Cooking Appliances

Just as important as deciding who to root for in this Sunday’s big game — Kansas City or San Francisco — is keeping your energy usage low. One of the most…

California Energy Wise

Saving money in the kitchen is as easy as pie. Every time you run a standard oven to cook your favorite recipe, you can use between 2,000 and 5,000 watts of electricity.

You may know your way around the kitchen, but do you also know how to save energy when preparing your favorite meals? Saving energy in the kitchen is easy when you … Read the rest

Most Energy Efficient Ceiling Fan With Light

Most Energy Efficient Ceiling Fan With Light – The modern home is based on multifunctionality; One of the best examples are ceiling fans with lights. Not only do they provide the necessary ventilation, but they also provide better illumination, ensuring that you can see everything clearly without straining your eyes. This article will guide you about the best ceiling fans with lights for 2024 and help you make an informed purchasing decision to better illuminate your space.

Lighted ceiling fans provide an excellent two-in-one solution for homeowners. Bright lights in ceiling fans serve a dual purpose: they provide better illumination and add aesthetic appeal to your home. But the importance of these bright lights goes beyond mere functionality.

Most Energy Efficient Ceiling Fan With Light

First, these bright lights increase visibility. They make every corner of your room visible, eliminating the need for additional lighting. This is especially beneficial in … Read the rest

Maximizing Energy Savings With Timed Power Strips

Maximizing Energy Savings With Timed Power Strips – They may seem like harmless appliances sitting quietly on a counter or against a wall, but TVs, computers, printers, coffee makers, and even electric toothbrushes can actively waste money while doing nothing. Some common home appliances continue to consume electricity when plugged in, even when not in use or turned on.

The energy used by these devices while not in use is sometimes called standby power, but it also goes by other names such as phantom load, shadow load, idle current, or vampire power. This constant power use increases your monthly electric bill.

Maximizing Energy Savings With Timed Power Strips

But there is a simple solution. Simply unplug the device when not in use. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, unplugging these devices could save the average household up to $100 per year.

Charging Infrastructure Access And Operation To Reduce The

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Adopting Eco-friendly Roofing Materials

Adopting Eco-friendly Roofing Materials – GRHC develops and protects the market by raising awareness of the economic, social and environmental benefits of green roofs, green walls and other forms of living architecture through education, advocacy, professional development and celebrations of excellence. GRHC offers online training through the Living Architecture Academy, publishes the quarterly journal Living Architecture Monitor, organizes in-person and online conferences and events, advocates a policy of support for green roofs and walls, provides resources to our members, celebrates outstanding projects and much more

GRHC events can earn you CEUs and strengthen your practice, as you explore emerging technologies, projects, policies and research.

Adopting Eco-friendly Roofing Materials

This article explores developments such as modified native plant species, blue-green roof systems, biosolar roof technology, slope stabilization, new plant species, maintenance technology, and innovative green infrastructure policies. These innovations aim to improve sustainability, rainwater management and biodiversity in urban environments.


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