Indoor Plants For Office With No Natural Light

Indoor Plants For Office With No Natural Light – The ultimate guide to choosing plants for an office without windows and how to care for them December 18, 2022

Having plants on your desk can save space and give you joy when you sit down to start working. 

Indoor Plants For Office With No Natural Light

This guide will introduce you to a number of plants that will survive in a windowless office so you can free up your desk space.

The Best Indoor Plants For Small Spaces

Good news – the answer is yes. Many plants can live in a windowless office

For many trees. Other options for windowless offices include plants that need less light.

Some things to consider when choosing the best plant for a windowless office include:

Plants often add life to a sterile office environment and help purify the air while bringing beauty and comfort to your space.

Easy Care Houseplants With Low Watering Needs

Read on for a list of 15 plants that can survive without windows you might want to consider adding to your office.

ZZ plants will thrive in low light areas. You must ensure that your plant does not receive direct sunlight –

Whatever you choose to call it, the snake plant will be one of the simplest (and most common) types of indoor plants for a windowless office. 

They work well in indirect sunlight and can manage in low light conditions. Although, some sun will not hurt it every now and then. 

Light Requirements For Plants: Explained! — Plant Care Tips And More · La Résidence

Without too much in the weeds why, you will want to make sure the soil of your snake plant is completely dry before you water again to prevent root rot.

The peace lily typically produces its signature white blooms in the spring, while some also bloom in the fall, and can reach over 24 inches in height and extend to 40 inches tall. 

Place your peace lily away from direct sunlight, ideally in a low to medium light area to allow your plant to grow best.

Weekly watering is required and you may also want to use a small spray bottle to spray the peace lily leaves every now and then.

Indoor Plants: The Best Indoor Plants—and How To Care For Them [2024]

African violets can light up an office space with beautiful blooms, and, when properly cared for, can live for many years.

Give your plants enough water to keep the soil moist like a sponge. 

Make sure you use room temperature water and try to avoid water or droplets on the leaves.

This unpretentious indoor plant can thrive in a windowless office, making it the perfect addition to our list.

Indoor Flowering Plants That Will Make Your Home Feel Happier

Keep an eye on when the top half of the soil is dry – that’s when you want to water. 

To prevent your cast iron plants from struggling to get nutrients from the light, you should clean the leaves with a soft cloth.

Place your plants in indirect light, water about once a week or so, and watch them grow.

With a width of about six feet and a height of about three feet, the Philodendron plant is another plant that can fill a space.

How To Determine Sunlight Levels For Houseplants

Philodendron prefers moderate sunlight, but can grow in your office without windows, if you remember to water once a week. 

When you want to water your plants, make sure the first inch of soil is dry before you do. 

To help with growth, you can water your plants with fertilizer every month in the spring and summer, and every six to eight weeks in the fall and winter.

Low or medium light is ideal for Pothos plants, so if you ever move to a room with a view, your plant can move with you.

Best Indoor Plants To Grow In Water

As with many plants on this list, you should allow the top inch of soil to dry out between waterings, as excess water can cause root rot.

If you’ve had a sunburn before, chances are you’ve used aloe vera gel to soothe the burn. 

Although you probably won’t get too much sun in your windowless office, aloe vera plants are still a great choice for your desk.

To care for your aloe plant, keep it in indirect light and water it every 2-3 weeks. 

Best Indoor Plants

Make sure that your plant pot has plenty of drainage holes, as aloe vera plants cannot tolerate standing water.

It requires less care than others on our list, but it’s worth your time to have this beautiful plant on your table.

You will need to use fertilizer every two to four weeks during the growing season of your plant and re-pot it every year or so.

Don’t be afraid to start growing – plants, especially those that need a little sunlight, are easy with the right care. It’s great to let the sun shine in every once in a while, but some (or all!) parts of our house may not have the chance to welcome in our sunlight. We can mostly make up for the lack of natural light with lamps and other lights, but many indoor plants need direct sunlight to survive. A simple solution is to furnish your sun-deprived room with plants that don’t need the sun.

Science Backed Benefits Of Indoor Plants

Low-light indoor plants are great for spots in the room that need a touch of green, but may not have enough direct sunlight for most plants to survive. All of the plants below can thrive with indirect light and most can thrive with artificial light.

Take a look at our list of 18 plants that don’t need sun, and choose the best plants for your home. Then, shop and post your favorite indoor plants today. You can even get 20% off your order today when you sign up for email (at the top of this page on desktop, and at the bottom of this page on mobile)! Our selection includes many of the plants you’ll find in our list below, including:

Bromeliads are tropical plants that usually come with vibrant pops of color. Their unique appearance and tropical flavor make them a great indoor plant choice. Bromeliads look best on shelves, on tabletops or even on the floor, depending on the species.

Most bromeliad species prefer bright indirect sunlight to direct light. Indirect light means the sun does not hit the plant directly. An example of direct light is if your plant is outside directly under the sun, or if you place your plant next to an open window with the sun directly shining on it. Prolonged exposure to the sun can damage bromeliad leaves. It’s best if it stays close, but not directly in front of the window. Bromeliads can also thrive under fluorescent lights if natural light is not available.

No Light? These Plants Are Just Right

Chinese evergreen plants are easy to grow and include many indoor plants that don’t need sunlight. Many people say that it is a good plant if you are new to indoor plant care. The old Chinese evergreen produces flowers that look like calla lilies and look best on the floor next to furniture and filling in open spaces in the house. Young Chinese Evergreen is compact enough for tables, desks and shelf decorations. This plant is also on NASA’s list of air-purifying houseplants, so Chinese evergreens are both easy to care for and a healthy choice for your home!

The specific sun needs of Chinese evergreens depend on the color of their leaves. In general, if you have plants with darker leaves, your particular plant prefers low light. Varieties with lighter colored leaves such as pink or orange prefer medium light. Like many other plants on this list, Chinese evergreens should not be placed in direct sunlight to prevent leaf scorch.

Cast iron plants are also commonly called iron plants because of their resilient nature. It can survive in a wide variety of conditions making it a top choice for black thumbs and busy plant owners. The rich green foliage is perfect for accenting any corner of a room that needs a natural touch.

Cast iron is a low-light plant that can survive almost anywhere in your home. They are slow to grow, but also really hard to kill. The only requirement is to stay away from direct sunlight so that the leaves do not burn or turn brown. If you want to give your cast iron plant extra care, wipe the leaves once a week with a damp cloth to keep the dust away. Clean leaves allow it to more easily take in the sun and all its nutrients.

Lighting For Indoor Plants And Starting Seeds

Dracaena is an easy indoor plant to care for in your home. These plants come in many varieties and look great on shelves, tables and floor decorations. Larger varieties, such as dracaena massangeana, have a tree-like appearance and are also used as floor decorations.

Dracaenas grow best in bright, indirect light, but can survive in low and medium light if needed. Dracaena is also one of the top air purifying plants that can filter out toxins in your home. Take a look at our dracaena care guide to learn more in-depth information about caring for your dracaena.

Mute cane is a beautiful plant commonly found decorating homes and office spaces. They are called stupid